Safe, Effective, Fast and Natural treatment for Dry Eye Disease
Safe, Effective, Fast and Natural treatment for Dry Eye Disease
E-PRP is a clinically proven therapy for Dry Eye Disease as well as:*
- Sicca Syndrome or Sjogren’s Syndrome
- Ocular GvHD
- recurrent erosion syndrome
- corneal lesions and dystrophy
- neurotrophic keratopathy
- superficial punctuate keratitis
- keratopathy with loss of epithelial-stromal tissue
resulting from chemical or physical traumas
Dry eye is when your eyes do not retain enough tears
Known as an autologous blood product, e-drop is prepared from a patient’s own blood. Blood contains platelets, rich in growth factors that are essential for tissue repair
Unlike artifcial tears, and other medications commonly used to relieve the discomfort of dry eye, e-drop is a biological product that
does not contain preservatives, stabilizers or other additives, eliminating the risk of allergic reaction or rejection.
e-drop is made in the form of E-PRP or Serum. Depending on the type, e-drop can be prepared in as quickly as 30 minutes.
Watch this video on how PRP is made
Watch this video on how the YDB system in combination with the COL system is used to make serum and distribute into individual vials for patient use.
For Creating PRP
For Creating Serum
For Preparation of PRP or Serum into individual vials for patient use